Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tonka's Walk and Talk

Day 22

On the way home strange movements in the water caught my eye. There were dark heads swimming together close to the water's edge. At first I thought they were children swimming, I realized it was a whole family of otters swimming together in the warm shallow water at the edge of the inlet. 

As much as I wanted to stay and watch the otters play I also wanted to get home to play myself. 

This first 100 miles of the challenge Tonka and I are working on are dedicated specifically to him being comfortable in his body. No hoof no horse, so hooves is where we start our time together.The change in his demeanor tells it all. He’s trotting around like a super pony again and the pep in his step is back. His knees still look a little stiff but they seem to be loosening with every adjustment to his feet and every scoop of joint support in his feed. There’s no way he’s ready to retire yet! 

I played with his halter out on our walk adjusting and readjusting, moving the lead shank clip to everything that I could attach it to and asking the question, “How does that feel” both vocally and with rope. 

Tonka wasn't used to being asked questions like this, or I should say Tonka never had any use for being asked questions like this. Once he had his stubborn little pony head set on something he was going to do it, and no one was going to stop him. 

A light turned on behind his big dark eyes. Enjoying this new idea he started licking and chewing and playing along.

We enjoyed that style of walk and talk for a whole one kilometer away from home and as if his little pony pedometer said “we made it as far as you said we were going” he stopped and I decided he had done well enough for then night we took 5 more steps in the direction of my choice and turned around. 

With his workout done it was my turn.


It’s 15 minutes I reminded myself. You can do anything for 15 minutes, remember. I cursed and swore at myself for having these so called brilliant ideas that involved even more work. Don’t I work enough already? 

This will make work easier in the long run, I reminded myself. I knew it was true. I didn’t like it much but I knew it was true. 

For the first time I paused in the movements looking for the problem spots in my muscles. I found them. For so many years I have been using other muscles to compensate for these neglected ones. The feeling of weakness encased in strength was interesting. It was hard but I enjoyed the sensation of isolating these forgotten muscles and for the first time in as long as I can remember my shoulders felt good after a workout. 

Tonka has 2.01 Km towards his pony express metal and I am now finished phase one of my journey. 

Would you like to read the whole story? Send me an email and I will let you know when the book is published an ready for you. Cyndi


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It was my 23rd birthday, my second borns 1st birthday and  one week after I had met Tonka for the first time.  The full size pick up truck p...